Meet the makers

Meet the makers

Madison & Brandon run Modern mom designs together as a husband and wife duo team. Madison started MMD in 2019 as a way to help provide for their family and raise their babies. Together they are now able to work this business and continue to grow it while continuing to grow their family of soon to be SIX. (We are expecting our fourth and final baby in February 2025). When you choose to support Modern Mom designs you are supporting our family and we do whatever we can to give back and support our community. Thank you can never be enough. 

As thousands of orders ship out of our hands monthly, there is a process behind the scenes. Beyond creating, designing, they also hand print/package, ship and do all inventory processing together! It is quite the extensive process, so doing this as a team is essential. Again, thank you for being here and for showing your support as we continue to make our dreams come true growing this business and community. 

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